The Public Audit Office for Catalonia is the external audit institution of the accounts and the financial management of Catalonia's public sector bodies. It carries out audit reports according to the Annual Programme of Activities
The Strategic Plan for 2022-2028, as approved by the Audit Office Board on 20 April 2022, is the instrument that maps out the direction for the institution in the coming years.
The Audit Office’s relations with the Parliament of Catalonia are through the Parliamentary Committee for the Public Audit Office
The Board, the Steering Committee, the Board members, the Chair or Chief Board member and the General Secreariat. Internal organisation.
Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia (articles 80 and 81), Public Audit Office Act (Act 18/2010, of 7 June), Audit Office Internal Regulations, and Regulations of the Parliament of Catalonia. Gender Equality Plan.
Origins of the institution, record of Board members, chairs and secretaries general, notable events and location of the Head office.
The Catalan Government's public sector organisations fulfil the accountability requirement laid down in the Catalan Public Finance Act when they submit the information in their accounts to the Information Hub run by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Government of Catalonia.
The Catalan Government's public sector organisations fulfil the requirement laid down in the Public Sector Contracts Act when they submit information on their contracts to the Public Contracts Register maintained by the Government of Catalonia.
The Catalan Government's public sector organisations fulfil the requirement laid down in the Public Sector Legal Regime Act when they submit information on their cooperation agreements to the Register of Collaboration and Cooperation Agreements maintained by the Government of Catalonia.
Arrangements in place for exchanging documents relating to audits in progress.
Catalonia's local authorities are required to submit their General Account for each financial year, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Audit Office Act. This section includes instructions, the accounts submitted (viewable in xml format for each entity and financial year), tools, lists of cases of non-compliance and help guidelines.
Catalonia's local authorities fulfil the requirement laid down in the Public Sector Contracts Act when they submit information on their contracts to the Public Contracts Register maintained by the Government of Catalonia.
Catalonia's local authorities fulfil the requirement laid down in the Public Sector Legal Regime Act when they submit information on their cooperation agreements to the Register of Collaboration and Cooperation Agreements maintained by the Government of Catalonia.
Catalonia's local authorities comply with the submission of information on their arrangements for fulfilling statutory comptrollership requirements when they deposit this information with the Public Audit Office.
Introducció. Sol·licitud d'accés a la informació.
Oferta pública d'ocupació. Processos en curs i finalitzats.
Mapa institucional de la Generalitat, òrgans de la Sindicatura, retribucions, declaracions patrimonials i de compatibilitat i codi de conducta dels alts càrrecs, retribucions del personal. Participació en altres entitats.
Pressupost, compliment dels objectius d'estabilitat pressupostària, termini mitjà de pagament a proveïdors i informació patrimonial.
Marc pluriennal d'activitats, programa anual d'activitats, informes, memòria anual d'activitats, calendari de plens, agenda i resolucions judicials i dictàmens.
Contractes programats, perfil del contractant, contractes realitzats, convenis i encàrrecs a mitjans propis.
Informació sobre el sistema de gestió de documents de la Sindicatura, especialment pel que fa a la classificació i eliminació de documents
06 February 2025
05 February 2025
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18 December 2024